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Stop Dieting.
Start Living.

No more "Diet starts tomorrow!"
I help clients ditch the diet approach, learn gentle nutrition that can be adapted for medical conditions, move towards body acceptance, and find sustainable healthy habits to feel their best. 

Schedule your free discovery call today.

About my nutrition services:

Evidence-based Intuitive Eating philosophy to lay the foundation for your food freedom journey to heal your relationship with food and move towards body acceptance- Say goodbye to food guilt!

Intuitive Eating Framework
1:1 Nutrition Support

Individualized nutrition support to break through your specific barriers to behavior change and/or strategize your medical nutrition therapy per diagnosis- Finally, actionable steps to achieve your goals and feel better!

Your Life Experiences

Opportunities to help you reflect on your experiences and to better understand your relationship with food & your body to help you grow. In addition, having a better understand of how your medical diagnosis can be helped with gentle nutrititon.

My services are perfect for you if...

  • You feel stressed or guilty after eating your favorite foods.

  • You find yourself skipping meals, hangry, and overeating, especially at night.

  • You are tired of yo-yo dieting, your weight constantly fluctuating, and you are ready to learn about food to optimize your lifestyle and nutritional needs. 

Hi, I'm Caitlin

and I'm a registered dietitian who developed nutrition services to help clients just like you stop dieting and heal their relationships with food! Together, we can build sustainable healthy eating habits so you can finally feel your best!



Since working with Caitlin through Nutrition Intuition, I have gained valuable tools to help me move through feelings of food guilt and shame. Before, I was not aware of the ways companies profit off our insecurities. Likewise, I often labeled foods as "good" or "bad". Caitlin's program helped me understand the ins and outs of diet culture, identify my insecurities surrounding body image, get in touch with my hunger and fullness cues and overall, change my relationship with food. I have found myself becoming more intuitive when eating, such as asking myself if I am hungry or just bored! In the past, I may have been more disorganized when I ate - a constant "snacker". Caitlins program was a safe space to speak openly and freely about my relationship with food, as it reminded me that the feelings I have around food are not only normal, but treatable.

I am 23 years old, has always struggled with weight fluctuations, binge eating, dieting never succeeding, I had a very bad relationship with food before starting this program I was constantly worried about what I  shouldn’t be eating. Nutrition Intuition has positively affected my life as  I now struggled less with binge eating, this program is 12 weeks full of information you need to obtain to start understanding food better, for example I no longer feel the need to eat my whole dinner plate because I “won’t be able to have it later” when in reality I can pack it up and eat it again when I’m hungry, she works with you on a personal level and helps overcome struggles.


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