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I am 24 years old, and before beginning Nutrition Intuition I had a decent relationship with food but I struggled with body image and had been experiencing food guilt if I ate too late in the evening.

Caitlin and I met through mutual friends. Since working with Caitlin through Nutrition Intuition, I have gained valuable tools to help me move through feelings of food guilt and shame. Before, I was not aware of the ways companies profit off our insecurities. Likewise, I often labeled foods as "good" or "bad". Caitlin's program helped me understand the ins and outs of diet culture, identify my insecurities surrounding body image, get in touch with my hunger and fullness cues and overall, change my relationship with food. I have found myself becoming more intuitive when eating, such as asking myself if I am hungry or just bored! In the past, I may have been more disorganized when I ate - a constant "snacker". Caitlins program was a safe space to speak openly and freely about my relationship with food, as it reminded me that the feelings I have around food are not only normal, but treatable.

Having a professional opinion and licensed nutritionist is the best move for anyone struggling with issues surrounding food, body image and eating disorders. Although I do not have a clinically diagnosed eating disorder, I still felt that working with Caitlin was the best choice for me. Likewise, it is important to understand that although wellness influencers may seem to provide valuable information - for the most part, it means nothing without qualification. Nutritionists and dietitians work hard for their credentials, and it is in anyone who is struggling with an eating disorder best interest to work with a licensed professional.


My favorite part of nutrition intuition was the activities. The interactive component made it more personal! My experience with Caitlin was amazing! Caitlin is very patient, and a great listener. Since working with Cait, I have become more in touch with my body and acknowledging hunger cues.

There are several people in my life who could benefit from at least learning the ins and outs of nutrition, if not actually committing to the program. There is so much value in being educated by a professional like Cait - especially with a constant flow of information through social media and the internet. I have learned so much through Caits program, and it has even inspired me to speak more openly about my own eating habits, and inform others about the dangerous game of diets.

Nutrition Intuition is absolutely worth the investment. Your physical health + mental health is always worth the investment. It is the same as going to therapy when you've been struggling emotionally. Nutrition Intuition is truly an investment in your life, with valuable information, guides, and support that will last your entire life with commitment and desire to change.


"I am 23 years old, has always struggled with weight fluctuations, binge eating, dieting never succeeding, I had a very bad relationship with food before starting this program I was constantly worried about what I  shouldn’t be eating. I choose to work with Caitlin because I always liked her insta content and she's a family friend.

Caitlin was awesome, always checking in on me during the week, keeping me updated on things and supplying me with tons of info. 1 benefit since working with her I notice things I’m slacking on for ex: movement I need to pick up the movement but just with little things, going on walks, parking farther away.  Movement was my favorite part of Nutrition Intuition. 

I now struggled less with binge eating (still struggling but it will take a while I’m def improved). This program is 12 weeks full of information you need to obtain to start understanding food better. For example, I no longer feel the need to eat my whole dinner plate because I “won’t be able to have it later” when in reality I can pack it up and eat it again when I’m hungry, she works with you on a personal level and helps overcome struggles.

The biggest reason I recommend this program to my friends and family is to stop with the diet culture and to come back to real life and learn how to enjoy food like everyone should. This program is worth the investment."


"Hello, My name is Shannon.

Before working with Caitlin, I was very nonchalant about what I was eating and how I nourished and treated my body. I thought I had a good idea of what I needed. After working with Caitlin, I found a lot of discrepancies in my diet, exercise and sleep habits, alcohol consumption, and my overall body image issues, but these are items that were all seamlessly teased out with her guidance. 


We looked into what I ate during the week and formulated an easy-to-track meal plan. We highlighted my discrepancies, like lack of fiber, and emphasized that area. At first, I thought I had to follow this meal plan strictly, and I would get upset and discouraged when I didn't. Caitlin advised me not to view it as a must-follow. We were simply laying out a plan. It's okay to revert to Plan B when life gets in the way. For me, Plan B will be quick, easy meals, like ordering take out or a Trader Joe's frozen meal. The point was to fuel my body, not deprive it or get caught in the stress of not following my meal plan. I am a creature of habit and LOVE a bacon, egg & cheese for breakfast. That being said, I wanted to add some variety into breakfast. This is where the menu catalog came in, and boy is it useful. To this day I reference this sheet, full of ideas and options to choose from. This saved me SO much time when formulating what I was going to eat during the week. I've since been able to set boundaries around my meal times and focus on being present at the meal to tune into my hunger cues.


Caitlin can identify small changes that can make a big difference such as when I was initially going to a fancy gym that was quite a far distance from my apartment, which limited me and often discouraged me from going. I thought that I had to go somewhere with fancy machines and trainers, but since I wasn’t going I was not even utilizing it which cost me a lot of money and further led to my frustration. Caitlin encouraged me to find somewhere that I would be more likely to go that may not have all of the fancy equipment I thought that I needed. Now, I go to a more studio/class based gym and absolutely love it more than a traditional gym, and therefore go 3-4 times a week. These class based gyms I found to enjoy so much and no longer feel guilty about paying an absurd amount of money for a traditional gym that I was not even going to as much. Working out on a consistent basis has also helped my sleep schedule as it allows for me to have a more routine schedule, and by signing up for a class early in the morning I know that I need to get an ample amount of sleep the night before. Instead of when I signed up for a traditional gym, I would push off going and then the stress of not going that day would mess up my sleep for that night. Altogether, my exercise and sleeping habits have significantly improved. 


As someone who lives in a big City, I love going out and socializing with my friends. This often involves going to a bar or getting dinner and drinks. I oftentimes would drink too much and it would ruin my entire next day. Caitlin helped me understand that I can still enjoy myself and have a good time with my friends, but there are ways to help so that I feel good and energized the next day instead of being lethargic and feeling down on myself. For example, even just drinking a water in between each drink has made a big improvement on my energy and anxiety the next day. I also am considering the satisfaction of the drinking experience as a whole more than previously, where I am now trying to be present in the moment with my friends to enjoy my night out instead of drinking too much and feeling guilty the following day.


Being a woman in my twenties, body image has always been something that I have struggled with. This is something that I am still working through, but Caitlin has created a safe space for me to be able to openly discuss my weight and difficulties that I have with it. She really helped open my mind on my struggles and make me feel seen and heard. Also, I definitely feel that a more holistic approach to my weight issues is a much more positive way to deal with these issues, and that the actual number of my weight is not the end-all-be-all, but rather that as long as I am still hitting all of my goals and keeping up with my healthy habits I should still feel positive and I also notice a physical difference with my body. While this is something that I am still figuring out, I have never been as open and honest with someone about my body image issues with anyone else.


Overall, Caitlin is kind, easy going and an excellent listener. She makes you feel safe when talking about sensitive topics. She wants to ADD to your life, not take away from it. That's the beauty of her program. Your happiness and well-being is the most important aspect. Happiness to me is having a bacon egg and cheese when I want! Haha


Caitlin’s programs and approach is phenomenal. Her personal attention, knowledge and genuine interest in my journey is what sets her apart from most professionals in this field. This is an investment that will last a lifetime.

Thank you Cait! You are truly amazing."

Talia's story
Lexi's story
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